If you go through the internet, you will find myriads of articles that will tell you to keep your expectations about anything high or you will accept anything. I think all that is trash. My encounter with Edinburgh male escorts confirms that and I am going to share all that with you. But you have to keep an open mind to understand my point and appreciate every bit of word I say here.
So, I left Manchester to Edinburgh with my heads in the clouds. As a fresh graduate, my mind built castles in the air. I had already started setting a timeline for myself. I should be ‘this’ before the end of the year, I should have ‘that’ in four months. The only thing that a bloated expectation did for me was making me think that I was a failure.
By the end of one year, I neither had any of those things – cars, house, and stable relationship – that I had hoped would be at my beck and call in a few months. I was still jumping from one public transport to another and completing most part of the journey to my one-room apartment on foot.
I was at the bar one Friday evening thinking about my life with a glass of vodka. I would think and think and when the thoughts try to drown me in tears, I drown them first with a sip from my glass of vodka. I exhausted the glass I had in my hand and stood up to leave but there was a voice over my shoulder.
“Pour her another glass of whatever she took,” the voice said.
I turned around and my eyes fell on a charming male figure. He smiled at me baring his set of cream-coloured dentition. I smiled back at him and sat down. In my usual way, I would have said ‘thank you’ and left but that evening I just wanted to get drunk, to drown my raging thoughts. It was many months later that I realized that he (the guy that bought me a drink) was one of the Edinburgh male escorts that prefer keep their identity secret.
We spoke that evening and I was plain in pouring my heart out to him. He was a good listener and a better adviser. When I was done and bowed my head into my waiting palms in exhaustion, his very first words is something I will never forget.
“I see a young lady who has not learned to celebrate her small achievements. Focus on what you have accomplished and not what you have not and you will be a happier lady.”
I raised my head while he spoke. My eyes were locked on his. He was definitely right and I wonder why I have not viewed life from that perspective. I could not protest. In fact, I had no right to protest. He told me about his life too, how he left his family to pursue a passion that did not go well with the family tradition. “I don’t own a car or a house but I can pay my bills comfortably,” he said, “and that is something to be proud of because I came here hoping for nothing.”
Listening to this stranger speak was a burst of inspiration. We conversed for close to two hours and for the first time in a while I found myself laughing genuinely from the bottom of my heart. He even led me to a dance and challenged me to best his dance step. In a short while, all the eyes in the club were on us. He suggested I should hang out with more Edinburgh male escorts.
I didn’t know what or who Edinburgh male escorts were at that time but I was determined to find out. If this guy can transform my gloom in such a short time then I should not take his suggestion for a joke. I did not just find out about Edinburgh male escorts, I began to hire.
Many months later, while I was going through the escort archive of one of the escort agency, I discovered to my amazement, the picture of the guy that bought me a drink. I am sure you can guess what I did.