What if I told you that some of the gay male escorts out there have passions and dreams which they pursue like everyone else, would you accept or dispute it? Well, I have a striking example, a story I would love to share with you today.
The stories of escorts are often reduced to pornstars and escorts – and nothing more. Well, there are still Gay male escorts out there with remarkable personal life whose passions are not only said but seen if you spend time with them. One of them is a guy I respect so much, Boomer Banks. Naked mannequins, pieces of clothes draped on chairs, threads, and pins are the characteristic features of his cosy Chelsea apartment.
His passion for making clothes brought him to the shores of New York in 2011 as he looked to pursue a career in fashion designing. There is a saying that the grass is always greener on the other side – but this is not always so. Banks met a scarcity of opportunities which saw him jump from retail job to other unfulfilling fields to make ends meet. Whenever I hear the words “think big but start small” mentioned, my mind always sways to “Boomer Banks” because of his resilience in the face of looming failure.
Early in 2014, Banks desperately wanted a way out of his depressing situation, and he took a step that will forever change his image to something of a reference in the adult industry. What he did was to put together his first profile for https://www.testserver768.co.uk and paid the website a paltry fee to help him create a profile with images all about himself.
He didn’t have to wait long. The secret to nailing that first successful escorting experience, as can be seen from the story of Banks lies in the kind of images you put up and the kind of information you give out in your bio. When you go into a little research, you will find out the kind of men that clients are looking for – just like in internet marketing and SEO business. It then becomes easy for you to tailor your bio and descriptions to match what is in vogue.
That is the secret that many upcoming Gay male escorts miss out and it takes like forever for them to nail their first client resulting in frustration and sometimes ultimately resulting in them quitting the industry.
There is a kind of scepticism or anxiety that accompanies doing anything for the first time – and escorting is not any different. The question that upcoming escorts always ask is what it feels like. According to Banks, it “wasn’t horrible and it kind of just went from there.” That “insane” move by Banks paid off and recently; he was crowned the top escort in the world at the Hookie Awards. In response, he said, “I made a choice, and I own it.”
Even though Banks is happy about his accomplishments, he still has to be grateful to the Internet for providing the platform. In the past, clients would have to sift through the classified ad section of newspapers to find people like Banks, but the Internet has made his job a lot easier. The company director at Rentboy.com says that on a daily basis, the company gets an average of 500,000 visitors and that 70 percent of the visitors access the website from the United States.
Gawkers and clients have free access to the website while Gay male escorts and other forms of escorts have to pay a monthly subscription fee of about £40 to £100 to post ads depending on how long they would like their add to be live for. Besides the subscription fee, there is no other form of a levy on the escorts. This means that the escorts work for independently which is great news to the escorts who often claim to be exploited by agencies. In the case of themaleescortagency.com, you make the bargain and keep all the earnings.
Many Gay male escorts on https://www.testserver768.co.uk averagely make between £80 and £300 an hour but still, they do not see sex work as a career, rather, a job. This explains why a successful escort like Banks still spends ample time investing in sewing. Obviously, if money were all that he wanted, he wouldn’t be wasting his time. Sometimes, we are plagued by our passion. Irrespective of how much success we have made in other fields unless we bow to our passion, we will still have a hollow in us.