My life can be defined in one word, BORING. For the past five years or so, I have moved to more than 10 cities to see if there will be a difference but the result remained the same. My condition bothered me so much especially after I did some research and fund out how a vast majority of mass murder cases were tied to depression. I have tried to go to clubs and associate with people but I fell off or lost interest after a short time. I was just being a hardcore introvert I tried to convince myself so that I would not have to drag myself to any psychologist.
I do have friends but the majority of them stayed in long distances that we only get to talk on the phone or chat. I must confess that the minutes or hours I spend talking with them used to be the liveliest moment I got in a day. Minutes after we stop talking, the gloom comes back and eats me up – and there was no way I could get them to stay with me on the phone or online all through the day because they were either busy with work or studies.
I was sure I needed a companion, but I also detested the idea of having someone snooping around me because I enjoyed my privacy. It was hard finding the balance between the two extremes – it was either I had friends who I would not be able to stop from doing the snooping or I had no friends at all. This realization reechoed to me why I always preferred long distance relationships in the first place. However, a deeper conviction kept on telling me that there has to be a balance between the two extremes somewhere there is always a balance to everything and if there was, I was determined to find it.
The only place I discovered that added a temporary glow to my gloom was the nightclubs. What do I do there? Simple! I go to the bar and sit close to someone, feast my eyes on those who are catching the real fun on the dance floor, try to start a conversation with the person sitting next to me or on the very bad days when my lips are sealed, I hope someone starts a discussion with me to help me unseal my became a routine – and a costly one too.
However, I never really enjoy the noise in the clubs and I wondered if there was a way to have such a solemn discussion with a total stranger, which was always spirit-lifting, in a quieter environment – probably my home – and that was when I turned to Google for answers – Google has the answer to everything, right?
I had no idea of what to call it and it made my search a lot more difficult because you need keywords to get the right results from Google. It was during my rephrasing and researching that Google helped me coin the right word, COMPANION. I loved the company of males because the way women reason does not always resonate with me. So what I was searching for were FIND MALE COMPANIONS.
The next time I was in the club, I started a discussion with someone sitting next to me at the bar and voila! He had a clue to what male companions were but the only challenge was that he didn’t know where to find them around the city. He suggested I ask someone else but that he will try to get more info for me. The realization tingled my ears and my enthusiasm will not let me relax for him to give me more information in due time. I decided to take my destiny into my own hands so I went back to Google – my best friend – for assistance once again.
This time I knew what to search for and the answer was more precise. I got a list of different find male companions agencies and it was up to me to pick which I wanted to depend on the number of good reviews they had. You see, everything and anything is possible if only you give it a shot.