The escort agencies are always enthusiastic when younger members sign up with them. The reason is simply that younger women are in search of younger men. However, those that are addicts to the escort industry do not always go for the young guys, the go for men escorts. What they are looking for is basically experience and not exuberance.
I am one of the addicts to men escorts. I started using escort services in my mid-twenties, and I have not relented ever since. Ten years down the line, I can’t even say with certainty the number of escorts I have used because I have lost count.
Like most young girls, when I was younger, I preferred the young muscular guys. There is a sense of pride I get when I walk beside them, the prying eyes around me turns me on. I bet some of the girls staring at me would wish they could be in my shoe even for a second.
These young escorts are also bubbling with life, and you could read it from their actions. They knew all the fun places in the city and had a mental calendar of all the upcoming events. If you don’t have anything in mind but wanted to have unlimited fun, you can always trust them to drive you crazy. As a young girl with fewer responsibilities, I chose boy escorts over men escorts.
Today I am an older woman with lots of responsibilities on my shoulders. I don’t have time to have that much fun anymore. Even when I want to have fun, I would love it to be toned down a little. I don’t have the kind of energy I used to have when I was younger. Then I could run around a stadium track twice but now I can barely go one round, and I would lie on my tummy, panting.
When I hire now, I prefer people that know how to moderate events, and that is where men escorts come into the picture. They are more experienced in the field and, like magicians, would read your mood and know how to deal with you.
Recently I was in a serious fix. I am still single, and my last relationship ended months ago so most of the time I was my own companion. This time I really needed to talk to someone. I hired one of the men escorts I found on the Internet. I have become so used to escort that I no longer go through their profile searching for the best fit. I was at that level where anyone would do.
This escort should be in his late thirties. The moment I had made him comfortable, I began pouring out my problem to him such that an onlooker would think that he had arrived with a magic wand with which he would wish all my problems away. However, as I expected, he gave me valuable insights on how to deal with the situation.
Men escorts better understand the complexity of women. I mean, I have been with a boy escort once, and when my mood swing set in, he was confused. He had no clue on how to handle me. I was almost screaming at the top of my voice, and he was trying to cuddle me. His actions made me more furious. That afternoon, our meeting ended faster than it should, and I was happy to watch him go.
When the same happens with men escorts, they will simply let me exhaust myself with the senseless rants before talking to me again. There are other areas where experience is the secret, but boy escorts would probably never know this.
I am not saying that boy escorts are not good. I mean, there was also a time when I looked at hiring men escorts as a total waste of time. The truth is, as you grow, your priorities begin to change and some of the things you once despised would be the things that you would crave. I think every escort have their place in your life. If you are an avid user, you need to be open-minded to identify the category that matches your needs at any point in time.