My name is Mike, and I am gay. I used to be scared of talking about my sexual affiliation in the open because of the fear of being mocked. That feeling is gone. I don’t care what people think anymore. How did I get this gut? From a stint with gay male escorting services. It was more like an accidental encounter, and my life has changed.
Let me try to talk about the story in finer detail. When I was young, I was severely bullied by a gang of older girls, and I was ashamed to tell anyone about it because they would laugh at me. One day I was heading home from school, and they ambushed me. If I had known they were there, I would have taken the longer route home.
The ruffled me up a bit, and I tried to fight back. I usually let them bully me without fighting back, but that day I don’t know what came over me. Probably it was because I failed a test and was already annoyed. One of the girls swung a twig, and I fell to the ground. When I opened my eyes, I was in the hospital wrapped in bandages. Some of the bandages had blood stains. For weeks I couldn’t remember what happened.
When I returned, I learned the girls had left the neighborhood. Probably they thought I had died and were running for their dear lives so that they won’t be in police trouble. If they had remained, I was ready to expose them because I was no longer afraid of them and the consequences. That is the kind of thing a near-death experience do to you.
That was the beginning of my hatred for girls. I was more annoyed that they ran away. “Cowards!” I called them. The thought that they hurt me and ran away from justice brought tears to my eyes. That was how I became gay – but I was secretive about it. In fact, I preferred not to talk about it.
That was until I met this guy that worked with gay male escorting service. We met at the bar one evening and began to share our personal life. He was easy-going and the type of guy you would easily share anything with. One thing led to the other, and the talk about sexual affiliation happened.
“I am gay and work with gay male escorting service,” he said.
“I am gay too but prefer not to talk about it especially in public” I whispered.
He laughed and started to tell me about himself and his line of work. He told me that I was not alone, that they were many gay guys like me and that there was no reason to give a hoot to what people thought about your private life.
For days after we departed, I continued to ponder about what he said. The amount of information he gave me was the type that was too much to divulge to a guy you just me. I wanted to learn more about him and his job. For many months I continued to visit the bar hoping that I would find him there but that never happened.
I was delighted the day I found out about gay escorting agencies and how easy it was to find gay guys. I didn’t waste time to hire, and I have hired a couple more after the first one. The first guy I hired from the gay male escorting service was pretty cool.
He, like the rest of the guys I hired, was not afraid of locking hands with me as we walked on the street. As I continued to spend time with them my fears and shyness gradually dissolved. It started to feel normal for me to talk about my sexual affiliation in the open.
Ever since I discovered gay male escorting services, there has been this burning itch to be one of them. The urge to dive into the industry is growing, but I also love my job and will not want to lose it anytime soon. When I meet gay guys now, I use my story to motivate them and give them reasons to be confident with themselves.