How googling Manchester Male Escorts saved a soul

Manchester male escortsSince the day I read the story of the woman who divorced her husband because of his obsession with football and Manchester United, I have always imagined myself in her shoes. What would I have done? How would I have handled the whole situation? Sometimes I just conclude it with, “If she had known perhaps she would have been using a male escort in Manchester.” I could imagine the man wanting to talk about football all the time, giving little attention to his darling wife. No woman should play second fiddle to a football club (I know it’s a woman’s perception) even if the club is Manchester United (yes I went there).
Now, I go through my own life not wanting to make a mistake as that man. If a man cannot worship me the way he does his football club, then it is a no-no. This has been how I decided if a relationship was worth the effort or not. I need to feel worshiped, but sadly, only a few men have the skills or temperament to do so. For a while longer, I bounced from relationship to relationship like the game bouncer of old Nokia phones, and yet each always lacked something very important to me.
One day I just got tired of the stress of having a boyfriend; usually ending it after a while (some as little as 3 weeks). Thankfully though I have good googling skills, and I put them to use. I googled the phrase “Manchester male escorts“, and “male escorts in Manchester”. There was so much information to processor almost got overwhelming, but I was determined to find what I was looking for. Although in between the search, my moralistic conscience was revolting saying “No! You’ll be judged.” However, the rumblings of my desires roared louder each time.
My search led me to a male escort blog; I liked the look of what I saw but I was skeptical. It could be photo-shopped, and testimonials on the web count as much as the truth coming from the devil. So I did some digging about the name separately – Google, and social media spaces, and saw that he turned out alright. That fact alone sent bucket loads of excitement gushing through my small frame. The next thing was to check for his availability; if possible, I needed his services now. It was curiosity married with need.
He wouldn’t be available until two weeks after; “damn!” I said. But because I had set my sight on him and him alone, I decided to wait and made the booking in advance. For the rest of the two weeks that I waited for, I will occasionally googled about female experiences with male escorts; there were the good, bad, and the ugly of reports, but I decided not to be cynical. The day came and I had butterflies the size of pigeons in my tummy. At the end of it all, I wished I had booked for more days. There and then I decided to book him on a monthly basis because he seemed a popular male escort to the women of Manchester.