London gay male companions: Who really knows them?

The first time I used London gay male companions I actually thought I had hired a tour guide. I can swear that when I came to London the first time I never knew that such a thing as London gay male companions existed. Thinking back to all the activities that played out that day I can’t help but laugh at my ignorance, but I am sure there are many more like me out there. I hope reading this post would enlighten them.

I didn’t have anyone in London, and I have never been here before, so, I was pretty confused on what next to do when I arrived at the airport. Everywhere was strange in my eyes. I had read tons of books about travelling and London in general and even booked a cheap hotel I found online but all those knowledge I spend month scrapping up could not help me. If I did nothing, I would spend the night at the airport and probably attract attention to myself.

As I walked aimlessly into the street, I searched through the faces of the strangers. Anyone that appeared friendly, I would stop the person and ask for direction. I was searching for the hotel I had booked. Some pointed me in a direction while others were patient enough to allow me to explain myself before telling me they also didn’t know the direction to the hotel.

I was already getting frustrated when I ran into a guy. Luckily he was one of the London gay male companions – although I didn’t know this then. I stopped him and told him about my challenge. He said he knew the hotel and directed me on how to get there. However, the direction he gave me was complex, and I was pretty sure I would get lost if I were to go it alone.

As he was about to walk away, I called him back and said, “Don’t be offended but if you don’t have a tight schedule could you follow me to the place? I am not good with directions. Moreover, this is my first time in this city”.

He paused and was scratching his head hesitantly, “I could pay you if you help me, please,” I added.

“Ok,” he said, “Follow me”.

In my heart, I said, “Yes!” It was a sweet victory for me, and I was ready to pay him any amount he asked for. We boarded a taxi, and he told the driver where to go. As the driver pierced through the darkness of the night, I began to talk to him.

“It seems this hotel is not very popular. Not many people know it.”

“Yes,” he said, “I have met a few clients there that is why I know the place. It’s a bit far from town, so they use discounted rooms to attract clients. Their rates are pretty good.”

“You said you met a few clients there right?” he nodded. “I am guessing you are a tour guide,” I smiled. By the way, I had mixed feelings when I asked this question because not many people like to talk about their job or personal life, particularly to strangers.

He was hesitant again to answer, so I quickly added, “Don’t be offended by my question. It’s just that the way you explained the direction of the hotel so vividly and was ready to take me there, I just concluded that it is only a tour guide that could take that risk.”

He smiled towards the end of my defence, and I wondered what exactly was funny about what I said. “No, I am one of the London gay male companions – and we take more risks than tour guide you know?” He was now laughing.

I smiled but went further to ask, “London gay male companions?”

I didn’t have a clue to what that meant and pronounced the words like a question prompted him to further explain to me what companions do, “And yes, there are very many of us here. But I think you should have my number first and give me a call whenever you are bored. I could show you around.

I gave him my number but kept thinking about the entire idea of London gay male companions until we got to our destination.