Male companion helped me to evade a life of crime
We all have our demons lurking in the shadows of our heart. I noticed my addiction to sex from my

teenage days. The urge got very bad that I had to masturbate every now and then for a relief. It made me feel good actually but I never knew anything felt better until I had my first sex.
My first sex was not the romantic fairy tale experience like most of you may have. I was nearing 19 when my uncle took me to a club. We began to have mad fun, drinking and dancing. Around midnight I was already very tipsy and my head swirled. My uncle noticed I wasn’t getting on with the groove anymore so he ushered me to a room. I thought we were going there to have a nap which was all my body was craving for but I was wrong. He stepped out of the room for a brief moment and returned with two extravagantly beautiful ladies wearing bikini. He spanked one of them to my direction and held on to the other.
I had an erection the moment she ran her hands down my body. Damn! I never knew something was better that masturbating. The feeling I got was inexplicable although I was nervous that my uncle was watching. After that episode, I became a frequent visitor to the club and did the needful (hope you are not waiting to hear anything else because I am not spilling). It continued till I became broke but sadly the urge never stopped coming. I did some petty pick-pocket to keep moving but that too didn’t pay much and most times I would have to pick many pockets to get a substantial amount.
I was once caught and spend some time in jail. When I came out, I decided to look for an alternative. I started to hoodwink girls into sleeping with me, then it grew into forcing them and before I knew what was happening, I was already a rapist. This cost me a good number of useful years in the prison. If you have never been to a prison, try not to get in there because it is not a pleasant place to stay.
I made a firm decision to stay on the good side of the law when I got out. I began to socialize in clubs and on one occasion, I met a male companion who had accompanied a lady to the club. We began talking and he told me about what he does. I became interested almost immediately and he promised to link me up. He did as he promised and before long I was a male companion.
Blending in was very easy for me because of my past experience and because of my personal cravings. I was happy that I was now getting what I wanted and the best part was that I was paid for it and no longer the other way round. Sometimes I sit and bite my fingers, wondering why I never got to know about this whole male companion thing earlier. I would not have wasted all those precious years I wasted in the prison. My clients have never complained for once and I have gotten repeat hires more than I can count. In fact, it is like everybody that hires me a first time is always eager to hire me again.