When I set out to Manchester on a luxury vacation, I did not put a price tag on the limit of luxury I could afford. I wanted it all. I planned to spend a night in a few exotic hotels, visit recreation parks, and attend parties and, if I am fortunate that an event was happening that week, I will not fail to attend it. I made all these plans without an iota of an idea about Manchester male escorts or how they work.
While many girls out there are killing themselves about one boyfriend or another I was chasing one degree or certification after another. My greatest passion, right from my childhood days has always been to make money. It is easier to chase your dream when you have it defined – and that was exactly what I did.
The faster I rose in my establishment, the less time I had for myself. It got to a point where I slept less than four hours most days of the week. It was that bad. It was one appointment or presentation to another, and I had to prepare hard to represent my company. There were times my head will ache so badly that I would imagine going to sleep and not waking up.
I stress, and all made me forget how to be a woman. I rarely had time for social media or time to snoop around blogs looking for celebrity gist or juicy gossip. My life revolved around work such that my social media accounts sometimes stayed dormant for months. Finally, I got the big break; a month leave from work.
To many, it might seem like “just another month”, but to me, it was far more than that. It was a month of freedom to sleep and explore the world. A month of catching up on the world for all the things I have missed the last five years. I had all the money I need, so, how I will spend the month was not a problem.
As I wrote down my itinerary, I was happy with myself for the much I have set out to achieve during my one month leave from office. I don’t know why I picked Manchester precisely but the football team, Manchester United, have always been my favourite. I quickly included in my itinerary a plan to watch one of their games live.
Manchester was worth the media hype – I must confess few days of browsing through cities played a part in my decision. I needed a lively city with all the luxury potentials one can imagine, and Manchester did not let me down.
Fast-forward to my third night in Manchester; I had just arrived at a party when a handsome young guy walked up to me to introduce himself. It was some an unspoken tradition that no girl should be alone in the party. I would later discover that he was a part of a league of Manchester male escorts.
He was so lively and cute, and I admired his accent. We grooved through the night till around 2 am. I wanted to leave, but he volunteered to take me home. Somehow, when we got home, I was feeling funny – funny because I wasn’t used to it – and I lured him into my hotel room.
I still recall how his fingers moved swiftly up and down my body, touching me in the right places that I couldn’t help but beg him to have all of me. It was a memorable night. We spent another 2 hours before falling asleep at around 4 am.
“I was supposed to charge you,” he said jokingly, “But, keep it”.
“How do you mean?” I said with a raised brow, unsure of what I felt.
“Well, I am an escort. Hope you understand that.”
I grimaced without saying a word. He went ahead to explain to me about Manchester male escorts.
“Can I have you until the end of my stay?” I said with excitement creamed face.
“Sure! If you can afford it.”
That was all I needed. That morning, my itinerary ceased to be relevant. I got his name as Michael, but I preferred to call him Snow (In reference to John Snow of the Game of Thrones) because they had a striking resemblance).
He was now working more than most Manchester male escorts because he became my tour guide, my driver, and my companion. Any good observer will easily conclude that we were a couple. The experience I got was more than anything I had imagined or planned.
When I resumed work, my co-workers saw the new glow in me and judged it one of that post-vacation glow that will fade away with time. On my part, I am now considering getting a boyfriend. I just hope I will get one that will treat me like my “John Snow”.