When I turned to gay male escorting for livelihood, I imagined it would be all pleasures as the friends who influenced me into joining the industry had painted it. I was thinking of getting a random call to fix a time when I would come and provide companionship to the client and then go home after.
Well, when I entered I discovered that gay male escorting is not always filled with pleasures. There have been times I would look up and feel like I have reached my limit. At such point, I would feel like throwing in the towel. When I remember that quitting gay male escorting would mean that I have to go hungry, I get the strength to move on.
One of the bad experiences I have had since joining the gay male escorting industry was the day I got hired by this weird dude. It was the first bad experience I had after joining the industry. This dude hired me for two hours. The meeting was to start at 6 pm and end at 8 pm. I had already planned how I would get back home in time to see the champion’s league final.
For a reason best known to him, he called me around 5 and said he wants to reschedule to 8 pm. He didn’t provide me with any reason. I tried to protest, but the phone went dead on me. It was a terrifying experience. Since I was new to the gay male escorting industry, I didn’t know what was legal and what was not. My top priority was to be of the best behaviour to my client so that I would not get a bad review.
The champion’s league was slipping off my finger, and the most annoying part of it was that I had got no apology and I didn’t know what to expect. I got to the venue that he gave me, and it turned out to be a night party. There were lots of drinks and meals going round. I had lost appetite because of the anger fermenting in my tummy which I was unable to voice out.
Unknown to me was that the worst was yet to come. When it was 10 pm, which was the official time for me to leave, he approached me and begged me to stay until the end of the night. He said I had more to gain by sticking around because I was enjoying the party for free.
In the first place, he didn’t know that I was forcing a smile on my face and that I wasn’t really enjoying the party. Secondly, I was angry and looking at him made the anger worst. Thirdly I was already feeling sleepy and was longing for my bed. For me, I was losing everything while he was gaining it all. I did all that so that I would get a good review – and I did get a good review.
If it were now, I wouldn’t have worked so hard for a review. In fact, I would have reported him for a breach of contract, and he would get a refund. I would have enjoyed my game and bed that night. It’s not all bad in the end. They are part of life experiences that make you better.
If I dwell so much on the bad experiences, I have had since joining the gay male escorting industry I would only be flattening my experiences. I have had moments escorting guys that I wished would not come to an end.
For example, there was this guy that came into the country and needed a company. Fortunately, I was the one he hired. For close to a week I took him around the city telling him about the government, culture, and festivals that were prevalent here. He was a lively soul that was easy to fall in love with. He laughed a lot and cracked silly jokes.
The last time I escorted him was a day before he would go back to his country. Before we went our separate ways, he gave me a huge tip that was a bit more than his basic pay. Such experiences make me never want to depart gay male escorting industry.