I am not here to share the details of my misfortune. I am not the type that lets my personal problems to become a public topic of discourse. Nah! I deal with my own shit. However, this time I got a great deal of help from London gay male escorts. That is the part I want to share. Probably, someone out there may find it useful too and see the need to hire these awesome guys.
It started in February 2019. Imagine breaking up with your boyfriend on Valentine’s Day? That was the height of the craziness. At a point, I was done! I said to myself, what was the point of trying so hard to live when I could just end my life and the entire chapter? However, I decided to have one mad grooving before going ahead with my plan. If I must leave, I needed to leave happy. I want people to remember my happy moments. I hired one of the London gay male escorts with lots of positive reviews and we head out into the club.
We danced, drank, and I took lots of pictures and made short videos. I don’t know if anyone would care about them but I thought it was important to leave something behind. This escort kind of clung to me and insisted on following me home. I had already grown fond of him in the little moment we spent together. Since I wanted to be alone because that is when I get the vilest ideas, I decided to let him accompany me home.
One thing led to another and we were curled up under the sheet. His touch, dirty whispers, his calmness and breathing on my shoulder, I could feel all of that like sparks of electricity shooting into my brain with utmost precision. In a matter of moments, I was literarily begging him to devour me. When I woke up in the morning I was like, “Damn, what was that!” Whatever it was, I definitely wanted more of it.
Browsing for a gay male escort in London
The next day, I browsed through the list of London gay male escorts and he was available. I quickly slammed the hire button and we had a recap of the previous day, beginning from the club again. This time I wanted to be in control but this dude knows how to pamper a lady to submission. Again I had the most childlike sleep. Ever since my battle with depression after the strings of unfortunate incidents, I have not been sleeping properly. I had to often rely on sleeping pills and booze to get some sleep.
Surprisingly, these last two days with London gay male escorts had been different. No drugs, no alcohol, no tobacco but I have been able to have a sound sleep and wake up feeling even more refreshed, unlike the times I had to rely on drugs and alcohol. Even though those helped to knock me off, I usually woke up with a nagging headache.
I had never known that one could get this relaxed and free in life. Fuck it! I ditched the idea of ever taking my life. In the morning when the escort wanted to leave, I begged him for an hour and he agreed. I poured out my problems and demons and asked for his help. He was the first person I have ever asked for help. I usually deal with my shit personally. It was a long chat with him and he told me of his struggles before finally joining London gay male escorts.
The strong lesson I picked out of that discussion is that we are never alone in whatever difficulties we face. There are hundreds or thousands of people out there that face similar even worse situations than we do. Reaching out and listening to these other people talk about their struggles can make a whole lot of difference especially if they have had a form of a breakthrough at the end of it.
I am not ashamed to say that I am an addict to London gay male escorts.