I have always been a wild child. I love to experiment a lot. I have used straight male escorts and bisexual male escorts several times in the past one year, and I have made a stunning discovery which I have been eager to share but have not found a platform to do so. If you have been wondering which to pick then, you sure should look at my discovery.
The first time I used male escort was on my eighteenth birthday. I was also curious about which to choose. Instinctively I settled for straight male escorts. For those who may not understand, being straight means that you only have affection or have sex with the opposite sex. Bisexual, on the other hand, are those that can have sex with both men and women.
Now that we have sorted that part out, I hope you now understand why my instincts led me to pick straight male escorts. Well, after about four hires, I started to feel bored. It felt like repetition, and I needed something new, so I decided to go for bisexual male escorts.
I told you that I am the wild-type earlier, right? Still, it wasn’t an easy decision for me to make. I wasn’t sure of what to expect – but beyond the doubt, I still went for it. Here is the interesting part which I am sure you would love to here. There is a huge difference in the experience you will get from the two different guys.
I am guessing that because bisexual escorts interact with men and women, they have a broader worldview compared to straight escorts. The first bisexual escort that I hired told me he was less than a month in the industry but his boldness and his taste of fashion impressed me. That day we went for a ball, and he dazzled in a spotless white tuxedo.
He displayed some dance moves that wowed me. His moves got eyes on us. Ladies would understand that subtle pride and confidence that comes when your man is the centre of attraction. You can’t help but stick tighter to him like glue. I guess being a man is not enough to know the secret about men except you interact closely with them. I guess that knowing the secret about men and women makes them freer in public.
Straight male escorts, on the other hand, are better with words. If you are the type of lay that get turned on by listening to men whisper sweet nonsense in your ears, straight guys would be your better option.
I don’t think any of them are better than the other in the real sense. It just depends on your mood. I can remember the day I fought with my boyfriend. It was our first ever fight, and I have never had the experience in the past. I had a conflict with me. Part of me was telling me that it was my fault while another part was telling me that it was his. What I needed that day someone to whisper reassuring words in my ears and tell me not to worry. On such days, the company of straight male escorts is what you would need, trust me.
However, on days when I would want to have unlimited fun, I usually prefer to go with bisexual escorts because they know how it is done. These are just my observations. They may not be absolute. Once in a while, you are bound to come across guys from either of the groups that will have the qualities of those from the other group. I said this so that you won’t call me a liar when you encounter one.
Picking the right male escort category is always crucial to the experience you will have. I have heard some of my friends complain that they were not satisfied with the male escorts they hired and when I ask them which category they hired and for what reason, I easily understand why they were not satisfied.
If you need a boyfriend or lover experience, I still believe that straight male escorts will deliver that any time, any day. You just have to learn to make the right choice.