Male Escorts Blog

  • My Elite Male Escort Diary

    As I lay down on the bed weighed down by all the mishaps of the day, my mind went back and forth on how I could improve my current mood. I thought, “Should I just go hang out with my best friend or attempt to drown my sorrows at the bar down the road.” But…


  • The ultimate search for the best male escorts

    “Best” is a word that is loosely thrown about by everyone who cares to get the attention of people, and the male escort industry is not excluded from this. With relatively cheap internet services, cheap web hosting and domain names registration, and free website creation, the trend has only begun to gather momentum. Every male…


  • Top Male Escorts: Beyond a pretty face

    It takes more than a pretty face, a well-designed profile, and a few calls here and there to become a top male escort. That is why it gives me the pet-peeve when I hear every Tom, Dick and Harry claiming to be a top male escort. Have you started your male escort career, and wondered…


  • How googling Manchester Male Escorts saved a soul

    Since the day I read the story of the woman who divorced her husband because of his obsession with football and Manchester United, I have always imagined myself in her shoes. What would I have done? How would I have handled the whole situation? Sometimes I just conclude it with, “If she had known perhaps…


  • I am Addicted and London’s Male Escorts are my fix!

    I am Addicted and London’s Male Escorts are my fix! If as a woman, the only things you know about London revolves around Big Ben, the nightlife, the football clubs (Arsenal, Tottenham, Chelsea etc) and its other elitist inclinations, then you are missing out on a whole lot. You are missing out on one of…


  • Common Misconception about Male Escorts

    Common Misconception about Male Escorts Escorting (male or females) of all forms has been around as long as man has become aware of such opportunities. However, there is sadly still a bunch of misconceptions about the job. This has opened up fear, ignorance, and missed opportunities on the sides of both male and females. People…


  • Things Male Escorts can learn about Female Escorts

    Female escorting has been around for a long while even before male escorting. This makes them some sort of seniors. Over the years, female escorts have had to deal with dangers, deal with discrimination and stigmatization. Despite all of these, a lot of them have become successful earning more money than what some top male…


  • Questions before Becoming a Male Escort

    Questions before Becoming a Male Escort This is not the Who wants to be a millionaire quiz show, but having the right answers to these questions can pave the way for you to start earning some money as a male escort. Ideally, before going through any decision, one must first have a guided talk with…


  • Male Escorts in 100 years-time

    My wish list for male escorts in 100 years time Recently I contemplated creating a profile on LinkedIn with my job title boldly written as “Male Escort”. Of course, I didn’t. I just concluded nothing can be borne out of it anyway – perhaps if the desert dryness doesn’t chase me away, the admin of…


  • Client for a male escorts

    Ideal female client for male escorts My social media pages, I interact with all sorts of people, and one of the results from that is I get asked a lot of questions about my male escort job. Questions come from all angles; prospective male escorts, prospective clients, random people, and the occasional moralistic nitwit blaming…
