Classy male escorts
Where to get Classy male escorts It can be so frustrating trying to get the perfect male escort – one that exudes class and satisfy needs. We understand your frustration. As an experienced male escort, I get this question a lot, “Where have you been?” The question stems from escort agency taking every Tom, Dick…
Needed a male escort
If I was a woman and needed a male escort So I had some spare time on my hands this just imagined being in the shoes of a female client. I wondered how I’d go about it if I were to openly advertise my need for a male escort on a job mag. I had…
Whats a male escorts time worth
How much is a male escort’s time worth Time is money. You know it, I know it and we all know it. Only those who put a premium on their time make the most of it; including more cash. It is then not surprising when mouths are left wide open at the mention of the…
Male Escorts and Drugs
Vice in the City: Male Escorts and drugs In the wake of the Maria Sharapova failed drug test brouhaha, I’ve been thinking about drugs and its uses in this business. The use of crystal meth, methedrine and GHB are not uncommon. This is not a moralistic post, rather, a balanced look at why drugs are…
When there’s no attraction with a Male Escort
When there’s no attraction Even without the much dreaded C-word – commitment, female clients still generally want to have a bit of connection with the male escort. The talks, dinner and date are all to reduce the awkwardness and loosen the tension(and sometimes the belt) and nervousness especially if it’s the client’s first time. This…
What makes a great male escort agency
It is no longer hide and seek, but search and find. That is the shift that technology has taken us and the male escort business isn’t left behind. Gone are the days when prospective clients have to go to bars and clubs to source their specimen of choice. Now, with a click of a button,…
So here’s the continuation of our ABCs for new male escorts. Hope you have enjoyed reading it so far?
Firstly- is financial planning This is a very important thing for a newbie male escort to have in mind. The male escort business is not shielded from economic shocks around the world. That is the most obvious thing you’ll probably read today. Good financial periods results in increased opportunities and vice versa. Furthermore, there are…
The ABC for new male escorts Number…1
The ABC for new male escorts Number…1 Stepping into the unknown of the male escort business can be quite daunting and scary at times. You have all these questions and perhaps fears as well. Getting the right answers and directions can make or break your male escort career even before it has begun. The truth…
Becoming a Male Escort?
So thinking of becoming a male escort???? You have heard a lot about male escorts and you are like, “I have got the looks.” How wrong and how naive. Being a male escort involves more than being just a pretty face. It requires more than just turning up and presenting yourself. And like every job…
My experience using a male escort
There are such things as fantasies and bringing them to life has to be one of the life’s greatest pleasures. All of my life, I have struggled to find the balance between my ambitious life as a professional career woman and my relationships, but t never works. One always seems to get in the way…